Not many had the privilege of meeting Pascal, but if you had, he would love you. Pascal loved all. He was a good little gecko. As his owner, John Morson, said, "Pascal is 1/4 human, 1/2 angel, and 1/4 gecko." He loved camp, and was a happy little creature.
For two weeks, Pascal lived among us counselors. I will always remember meeting him for the first time. We bonded immediately. He and John shared a connection unlike any man and gecko had before. John gave him food, a home, and unconditional love.
Now, as much as it pains me to say it, Pascal is no longer with us. We were led to believe a camper is the cause of this great loss. One morning John came to see Pascal... Pascal was not there. His house was taken off the shelf, and left open on the counter. He was nowhere to be found.
There is a place in all our hearts for a little green gecko. Pascal had enough love to fill this place, in not only my heart, but everyone else's.
Pascal and his loving father, John.
Pascal getting his beauty rest
RIP Pascal